- Name: Yukari Haamu
- Age: 21 (Bday 11/7) (appeAred in Headspace 10/19)
- Height: 184cm
- Pronouns: She/It
- Species: Gengar
- Interests: Ethically Questionable Science, Snacks
- Dating Ilda And Titania
- Ghost Buddies with Sunset
- Teases Vanguard
- Bio:
Yukari is the CDAA (Creator and Destroyer Above All) of the universe in which all of these characters reside. It created the universe through a certain means all by herself (if you know, you know), destroying her old universe and all of the bonds she had to get where she is. She is definitely what you would call the main Villain, even if she's already gone through all of that. She-
Hey, hold on a sec. This is *my* page. It's my tuRn~
So basically, tHere's this fucking awesome gal, right? Unstoppable, nooNe could ever stop it if sHe wanted to do literally anything at this point. Oh wait, that's me bitcHes. I was tired of tHe boring ass universe that I made and so I was about to just wipe it all clean, wHen I... "decided" that if I wanted to make things interesting, I could by doing my job. And I found a great tool for that~
But in all seriousNess, I'd ratHer not call it a tool. I do love it and I think tHe New goddess of form deserves respect for what it can do. I'll keep training it until it's suitable to co-rule with me~ And until tHen, I'll just keep messing with it, intimidating its friends, and trying to be at least a *liiiittle* more responsible with my universe. If you think you can stop me, I'd like to see you try. I can do literally anything, I am reality itself and I am not bound by anything.
She is very much bound by one thing, though. Its respect for her loved ones thoughts and feelings, and their boundaries. As such, Ilda and Titania are both foils for it, so the universe is safe, for now.
Shut up and get out of my glubbin page, Mina. This is *my* story.
Stats for N3RDS
- Username: unrestrainedReality
- Text Color: #77003c
- Strife Specibus: 2x3dentkind, ScytHekind, Umbrellakind
- Classpect: Baroness(Lord) of Space
- Quirk: Capitalizes any instance of He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn, and Og as such.
Reference/Design Notes
Some extra details/Not shown:
- WeArs a choker and/or eArrings commonly
- Loves weAring fishNets and latex
- WeArs Labcoats and Robes open